Land and Planning Consultants Limited is run by Director Ian Gidley, who is a chartered town planner (MRTPI) with 30 years’ experience.  Ian studied at the University of Manchester, where he met his wife and graduated in 1993.

After working for a couple of planning consultancies and a couple of developers, including national house builder David Wilson Homes as a Strategic Land Manager for the South and West of England, Ian set up his own consultancy business in January 2001.  With a keen eye for development potential, Ian ventured into small scale property development from 2004 onwards.

It is this unique combination of experience and expertise that enables Land and Planning Consultants Limited to offer an unparalleled service to clients on all aspects of property development, and maximise the potential of any land or property assets though the town planning process.  It is a comprehensive service where Ian has the capability to manage each project and will liaise with any external experts necessary to achieve a planning consent.

In his spare time, Ian coaches Crick Athletic Colts U15 Girls football team and is Chairman of Crick Athletic Ladies football team.  Ian is also Chairman of Crick Community Sports Centre which is a registered charity.


Crick, Northamptonshire,
England, NN6 7TX


Ian Gidley
T: 01788 824346
M: 07802 237526
E: [email protected]